Be Happy With What You Have Now
One of my `Happy Rules` is that it's important to be grateful enough to give thanks for the little that you have now until better comes. And, you're rewarded with more as you show appreciation for the little that you do have. And, it's not just my rule; it's a Universal one that states that, in my own language of course, `what you appreciate will appreciate`. Get it? Got it? Good! I'm glad you understand that what you focus on expands. So, if you focus on what you have, you, the little magnet will be sure to attract and receive more from the big magnet - the Universe.
So, today, actually, right now, I want you to practice and thus make a habit giving thanks and having the feeling of gratitude for what you have in the here and now so that more can come to you in the very near future. And, it's a sure way to be happy right now instead of stressing about what you don't have yet, and yet, my friends is the key word there. ;-) And, last, don't let time make you appreciate what you had simply because you didn't value and/or appreciate it.
As always my aim is to help you `GET YOUR HAPPY BACK & MAINTAIN IT`.
With love,