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Leap Forward!

Happy Leap Year!!!

Hence, today's topic is about taking that brave and ginormous step forward into becoming better people and ultimatley achieve more for your lives. So, if you're not so happy or not feeling great about where you are right now, perhaps it's time for some introspection, so that you can make a brave, yet clear decision to step out of your comfort zone; you know, that comfortable place of just being OK, settling for less, barely making it, accustomed to lack or deprivation --- and instead reach for more. And, yes you can! So, dare to become more and achieve more! It's your year, and all you have to do is believe it until you see it through into manifestation. And, yes, it's going to take some elbow grease, a clear idea and plan of action, blazing passion, discipline and determination, trial and error. But, keep this in mind, "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going", and winners never quit. So, along the journey, rest and regroup if you must but don't you quit. And, don't let frustration settle in. It will defeat you. You were made for this! So, say YES to all the `no` you will receive and keep on keeping on until your breakthrough come! It's not easy, but it's so worth it when it's all said and done.

To help get you moving in that wonderful direction, the questions you should ask yourself to help you get moving are: what pains you now about your life that you'd like to change in order to live life on your terms? What can you do now to move your life in the direction of your dream? How will pursuing this dream of yours add more freedom to your life? Are you willing to pay for it via your time, energy, money, etc.? Yes, freedom is sweet, but it's not free. What are you willing to give up for it: negative friendships and/or associations, partying, buying weaves and designer lables, etc.? You have to decide what this dream of yours is worth and make the necessary adjustments and sacrifices to make it happen. What is your passion, or what is it that you are naturally good at doing? And, when you can put your finger on just what that natural knack is, use what little you have and get started now! Complaining about it won't change it but doing somehting about it will.

Remember, **"A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step"**. So, start now and don't wait until later. And, though, it's better late than never, later might be too late, or you might wish you started sooner. So, to offset any unforeseen and unnecessary struggles or pitfalls, it's best to start right now - right where you are, with whatever you have, knowing that it's enough and that you are enough and more than capable.

So, if you want to do just that and move that process along faster? Get my Journal of Manifestation today, and you will move closer towards your dream. The process of letting go is one that prepares the way for you to receive. Are you ready for that receiving? I'm sure you are. You were born ready. Don't let the voice of reasons, in other words, excuses, excuses, keep you from leaping forward any longer. Go get what's yours, goal-getter! Do it today! No, better yet, do it right now!

As always, my aim is to help you "GET YOUR HAPPY BACK & MAINTAIN IT".

With love,


LEGEND REF: **Lao Tzu jouney quote**






Be conscious on a daily basis in order to create healthy habits that will maintain your happiness.




Appreciate the little that you have now until bigger and better comes.




Because, no one ever remembers a copycat, but they sure do value the original. Think of it in terms of a painting, which is worth more - a copy or the original?

Besides, it's a fact that you'll be happy by simply being you.

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