`Get Your Happy Back` 21-Days Challenge
Tired of being unhappy?
Join the "Get Your Happy Back" 21-Days Challenge!!!
You'll be provided with daily meaningful, mindful "Happy Rules" cards straight to your inbox, just like the one enclosed below, that will reprogram your mind and thus, guide you to thinking positive thoughts, so that you can begin to live a life of complete happiness restored!!!
Remember, happiness is something that you create yourself within yourself. It's not something to be found elsewhere in someone else or something else, which is not true happiness and has no staying power. Because, as soon as that someone leaves or that something ends, your happiness goes right along with him/her or it too.
So, to get started in building a solid happiness foundation within self, go to my website - look to the far right side, near the bottom of the homepage to sign up right now to begin your 21-Days journey to "Get Your Happy Back" and Maintain It!!
Why 21-Days? Because, scientific studies have been conducted, proving that, to change any habit, it requires only 21-days when true focus is applied on a daily, mindfulness basis.
And, I believe in your ability to do this! So, see you at the finish line in being a happy-go-lucky you!!!
With love,